For January our consultants have nominated Cloud Coach as our app of the month.
Cloud Coach consists of 4 tiers of solutions to enable customers to run projects on Salesforce. These 4 tiers ensure that organisations have the correct tool for them, ranging from Cloud Coach Milestones which most suitable for small teams with simpler requirements to Cloud Coach Ultimate, the full package.
These tiers of project management tools deliver exactly what customers need to plan and execute projects successfully. Based on over ten years of customer-driven research, Cloud Coach includes the most important capabilities project managers depend on to get their job done fast and accurately.
Cloud Coach capabilities include:
- Create Projects - From your favorite Salesforce records
- Leverage Project Templates - Automate project creation & save time
- See Your Projects - In the view that works for you (Gantt style timeline or a Kanban board)
- Budget and Track - Your project financials
- Visualise Progress - Across all your projects
Using Cloud Coach to run projects on Salesforce will improve teamwork and accuracy of projects ensuring all stakeholders are informed and upto date throughout the project.
To find out more about Appexchange apps and difference they can make to your business call our expert consultants on 08456 525 625 or fill in the form here and we will get in touch.