Salesforce Winter '18 Release - Xenogenix

Salesforce Winter '18 Release

The latest Salesforce release, Winter ‘18 has landed and a host of great new features across the Salesforce platform are now available to users. Among many changes to the user interface there are also other features our consultants are happy to see included in this latest release. Here are our favourites:


A New Look and Feel for Lightning Experience
This change means less time scrolling and scanning and more time focused on what matters most. More of the information you need is included in each screen by making use of the space better. Also:
• Improved legibility (using font size and colour) to draw attention to what’s most important.
• Better contrast between foreground and background, making it easier to scan and scroll while staying focused on what you need.

Related List Quick Links
Are your users tired of clicking View All to see all the columns in a related list? With the Related List Quick Links component, they can view multiple related lists in quick succession just by hovering over a link. And, they can complete actions right from within the hover pane.

Make Your Lightning Pages Dynamic
Now you can control when a component appears on a record page by adding filter conditions and logic to its properties. No need to add anything to your custom components. It’s all handled by the Lightning App Builder. For example, construct a filter that causes a rich text component on an opportunity page to display when the Amount is greater than £1 million.

Component visibility filters are supported for standard components, custom components, and components from AppExchange. If you don’t define a filter, the component displays on the Lightning record page as usual. When you define one or more filters and set the filter logic for a component, the component is hidden until the filter logic criteria are met.

These are among many features that will improve any Salesforce Org over the coming weeks.

If you need support implementing any of these features contact us on 08456 525 625 or simply fill in your details here.

By |2017-10-19T10:33:00+01:00October 19th, 2017|Release Information|Comments Off on Salesforce Winter '18 Release

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