If you are not using project management tools for your projects you may be doing more work than necessary, and not fulfilling your potential. The right project management tools will leave you and your team free to get the real work done. Here are just a few of the benefits you will notice once you start using some sort of project management software.
Use Project Templates
Using project management tool software means your team don’t need to reinvent the wheel for every project. You can create best practice temples which will then enable you to launch new projects quickly and easily. This can significantly save time during set up and also by pre-assigning resources to your projects.
Tracking Budget Against the Project
You’re not just responsible for delivering your projects on time, your executives also want to see your project’s financial performance. Project Management software can give you a complete fiscal picture of your projects including internal costs of delivery. Actuals imported from your financial system in real time give you a complete up to date picture of your project finances.
Work Collaboratively
Most projects involve a number of colleagues and departments working together, which presents a number of challenges. Project management software can allow you to see another users upcoming tasks and see the queue of work which needs doing so you can fill in for someone who is out of office, or help out a fellow team member who is overloaded. You can also use security permissions to keep work private.
Reports 24-7 from anywhere
Never miss a moment or a milestone, and get visualisation into everything happening on your project, no matter the time of day. You can also enable automated delivery of reports straight to the email inbox of you and your team. Create, control, and switch between multiple dashboards tailored to your business so you can view your KPI’s and project metrics in real time.
Control Access Based on Profiles
Not everyone in your business has the same needs for their day to day job and you may wish to restrict certain pieces of information from different users. Project management software allows you to have full control over which type of users can do what. You may wish to restrict visibility by department, only delivering the most relevant information to your teams. For security reasons you may need to hide financial data from end users, make KPI data visible but not editable and control access based on user profiles...this is all possible with project management software.
To find out more about project management software and difference they can make to your business call our expert consultants on 08456 525 625 or fill in the form here and we will get in touch.